Event Rules & Guidelines

Fees: Team basic entry fee with Big Fish (Bass & Walleye) Options included - $200.

Venue: Tournament headquarters and weigh-in will be held at Columbia Point Marina. Tournament Banners and Weigh bags are required for the contestants/team. Drivers Meeting Friday 5:00 PM Friday, September 27 at Columbia Point Marina.

Off-limits periods: Tournament waters will be off-limits beginning Friday September 27 at 4:00 pm until the tournament begins on Saturday morning. Tournament waters are defined by dams. No locking through any dam is permitted for this event.

Registration: Entries close on Friday September 27, 5pm. Late entries will be accepted Saturday morning but will blast off last. The drivers meeting will be held at 5:00 pm on Friday evening prior to the tournament. At least one member of each team is required to attend the drivers meeting. Attendance of all team members is encouraged.

*Registration cut off date for Tournament entry is September 27 at 5:00pm.

Mandatory Drivers Meeting: To be held at Columbia Point Marina at 5:00pm on Friday, September 27th. Each team must have at least one member present at drivers meeting, but all members are encouraged to attend.

Payout: 100% payout of paid entry fees. Overall prize money will be awared to 1 in 7 boat field. Big fish money to be awarded 1st place of each species (bass,walleye).

Release of Liability: Each signed entry form releases of liability/media rights statement in order to participate in the tournament, With sign up or entry form signatures this releases liability of CRWAA .

Regulations: All contestants must observe U.S. Coast Guard and state rules and regulations. Any contestants cited for Federal or State rule violations will be subjected to disqualification. Use of two pole endorsement is NOT permitted for this event. 1 rod max per person. Trolling is allowed.

Alcohol: Any contestant visibly intoxicated will not be allowed to fish. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification.

Eligibility: Entries accepted as up to 3 persons. Any applicant under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult partner. Youth is considered at age 7-17. Tournament officials will make any and all determinations of eligibility.

Pre-fishing: Water is closed to all registered persons and potential contestants beginning at 4:00 pm on Friday prior to the tournament and lasting until the tournament begins. Persons who are on the water for any reason after this time will not be eligible to enter this tournament without approval of the tournament director.

Inspections: Boats will receive an inspection at rolling blastoff inside Columbia Point Marina. No boats may have any fish on board prior to the start of the tournament. Boats, tackle and equipment may be inspected at any time before, during or after the tournament. All boats must meet or exceed all State and Federal safety requirements.

Tackle and Bait: State rules and regulations apply. Spare equipment may be carried in the boat. Use of live worms/night crawlers is permitted.

Boat Operation: Each entrant is required to wear a Coast Guard approved PFD upon take-off and when the boat is being operated at planing speed. Contestant banner must be displayed during tournament. Teams may depart from the tournament headquarters only under the direction of the tournament officials. It is considered good sportmanship to maintain a minimum of 20’ from another boat. No boat contact will be allowed except by a tournament official boat. It is the intention of this tournament to promote good sportsmanship and fair play. Unsportsmanlike conduct and cheating will result in disqualification. Interpretation of rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament officials and all decisions will be final.

Catch and Release (Culling) Policy: The use of an aerated live well is mandatory. No exceptions! All fish must be kept in good condition. Any fish that has been injured by hook or handling may not be released. Whenever a fish in the live well is replaced with a new catch, the fish to be released must be in good condition. No species other than bass & walleye may be kept in the boat.

Checking-in and Late Penalty: All boats must be checked in each day regardless if the team has fish or not. The team number and arrival time will be recorded upon arrival. Boats arriving after official check in time will be penalized 10% of that days catch weight and will be eliminated from any big fish option prizes. Boats over fifteen (15) minutes late will be disqualified for that day.

Scoring: Each team may weigh up to five (5) bass & one (1) walleye. The weigh master will make all determinations as to the condition of each fish. Each dead fish will incur an 8 oz. penalty, the 3rd dead fish will DQ team for the day. Big Fish must be alive to qualify for Option Pot Big Fish of the day. Final weight is determined after any penalties have been assessed. The weigh master’s decision is final. Awards of prizes will be based on the weight total.

Fish Care & Release: Each team is responsible for releasing their own fish after they are weighed in. Fish must be taken back out of the marina and released in the main body of Water. Please DO NOT release fish inside any marina. Early fish weighed will be released by others. DO NOT BAG fish until at Dock. All fish must be healthy for release.

Landing: While contestants are engaged in competition, team boats may only land at Tournament Headquartersse.. Landing at any other location without contacting tournament director will result in disqualification (subject to the review of Tournament Officials). Tournament Headquarters will be located at the marina from which the tournament is held.

Tournament Hours: Regular blast off will be at safelight. Weigh in will begin at 2:30pm. Times subject to change as directed by Tournament Officials.

Protest Policy: Only contestants and Tournament Officials have the right to protest the actions of another team or contestant. Protest must be presented in writing to the tournament director no later than ½ hour after the close of fishing that day. The designated protest committee will convene and investigate to make a decision regarding the protest. The decision of the protest committee shall be majority vote and shall be final in all cases. Contestants waive the right to appeal the decision of the protest committee to a higher authority, including any court of jurisdiction in this or any other state.

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